Sunday, 6 August 2017

foods good for ear

                                                       5 Foods to Eat for Ear Health
Our diet plays into the health of our organs and can help prevent certain ailments and diseases. A diet high in fiber and vitamins, but low in sugars and processed foods can help keep your weight and overall health in check. It is no surprise that we eat certain foods for their health benefits, if you need iron, you may eat more spinach or red meat to help. But did you know there are also foods that you can eat to help keep your ears healthy as well? Here is a list of 5 minerals and vitamins you can add to your diet for better hearing health: Magnesium: This is a great supplement for many people to be on, as it can help with the stress of daily life. It can also help protect the delicate hairs located in the inner ear during periods of exposure to loud noises. Foods to eat that contain large amounts of magnesium are potatoes, leafy greens, and nuts. Potassium: The body needs more potassium as you age, so it is not uncommon to eat high potassium foods as you age. However, adding more potassium to your diet can also help protect against hearing loss due to aiding in the production of fluid used by the inner ear that translates sound into electrical impulses that the brain processes. Adding potassium can help protect you against age related hearing loss. Foods to eat include bananas, fish, dark leafy greens, and squash. Folio Acid:  Folio acid helps your body generate new cells, which benefits every organ of the body, including your ears. It also helps with proper circulation throughout the body. As blood flow is crucial to the ear for proper function, good circulation can help prevent hearing loss. You can eat beans, broccoli, and citrus fruits to up your intake of folic acids. Vitamin E: Vitamin E is important for overall health, but especially in skin and eye health. It has also been connected to helping the body protect itself from free radicals or toxins that we come into contact with on a daily basis. Some of the free radicals are in the form of cigarette smoke, nitrogen dioxide, or metals. Vitamin E helps protect the ear from free radical damage. Foods high in this vitamin are sunflower seeds, dark leafy greens, and avocados. Zinc: Zinc helps the body recover whether from an injury or an illness, which is why it is so popular in many multi-vitamins. Zinc can help you avoid chronic ear infections, can help with tinnitus, and can also help put off age related hearing loss. Foods high in zinc are oysters, beef, and veal liver. You may find that many of these foods are similar to each other, so adding them to your diet will help you get the benefit of many different protecting qualities. If you find yourself already eating many of these foods on a regular basis you are even better off! Every meal should be a balanced and healthy meal, but remember for your hearing’s sake, include some of these foods!

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